Good Party's Discord
Our server is a community of independent thinkers like you who want to change the system – join for civil political discussion, election updates, volunteer opportunities, and more...
New to Discord?
No problem! Here’s how to sign up and use the platform:
Step 1: Start with our 4-minute walkthrough of how to join Discord and what’s going on in Good Party’s server. Watch it here!
If you want more detailed instructions for how to get started, see this step-by-step guide.
Step 2: To get started in creating your own account, click this invite link to join Good Party’s Discord server:
Step 3: You can access Discord through your browser, but we recommend downloading the desktop and mobile app for the best experience.
Step 4: For more info on Discord’s features, check out this quick guide
Optional: Want some more help? If you’d like a personal 1-on-1 walkthrough with a member of our team, you can schedule a time here!